Links – Information and Advice

Adoption Authority of Ireland

Adoption in Ireland is regulated by the Adoption Authority of Ireland which is an independent quasi-judicial statutory body appointed by Government.

Alcohol Service Finder provides access to information and advice on alcohol-related issues and problems, and the help and services available to people concerned about their own drinking or the drinking of a family member or friend. is a comprehensive online guide to alcohol services in Ireland so you can quickly access the relevant services in your area.


A website promoting positive mental health in Sligo and Leitrim, where you will find services, resources, tips and general information.


Barnardos is a children’s charity. We work with vulnerable children and their families in Ireland and campaign for the rights of all children.

Care Leavers Ireland

Care Leavers Ireland was established in 2008 to make small grants available to young people who are leaving or have left the care system in Ireland. It is a registered charity set up specifically to help in areas of education and personal development.

Careers Portal is Ireland’s National Career Guidance resource, providing the most up-to-date and relevant guidance materials to those needing or providing career guidance.

Central Statistics Office

The Central Statistics Office holds a comprehensive database of Irish statistical information. Selected statistics for this region can be accessed through the ‘quicklinks’ below:

Statistics for Sligo (2011 Census) Statistics for Leitrim (2011 Census)

Children and Young People’s Services Committees (main website)

Sligo Leitrim Children and Young People’s Services Committee

Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every country in Ireland. Their age remit spans all children and young people aged from 0 to 24 years. The purpose of the CYPSC is to ensure effective interagency co-ordination and collaboration to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people in their area.

Citizens Information Board:

Citizens Information: Online information

Citizens Information Phone Service

Citizens Information Services: Find your nearest centre

The Citizens Information Board is the national agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social services and for the provision of the Money Advice and Budgeting Service.

The Citizens Information Board supports the delivery of information through three channels: Online, telephone and face-to-face.

Civil Registration Offices

The HSE’s Civil Registration Service plays an important role in the lives of Irish people, responsible for helping people to register their children’s births, along with marriages, civil partnerships and deaths. The Civil Registration Service also officiates at Civil Marriage and Civil Partnerships.

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs focuses on harmonising policy issues that affect children in areas such as early childhood care and education, youth justice, child welfare and protection, children and young people’s participation, research on children and young people, youth work and cross-cutting initiatives for children.

Department of Education and Skills

The Department of Education and Skills is a department of the Irish state with responsibility for education and training. The mission of the Department is to facilitate individuals through learning, to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s social, cultural and economic development.

Department of Health

Our role is to provide strategic leadership for the health service and to ensure that Government policies are translated into actions and implemented effectively. We support the Minister and Ministers of State in their implementation of Government policy and in discharging their governmental, parliamentary and Departmental duties.

Department of Justice and Equality

Our mission in the Department of Justice and Equality is to maintain community and national security, promote justice and equity, and safeguard human rights and fundamental freedoms consistent with the common good.

Department of Social Protection

The Department supports the Minister for Social Protection in the discharge of governmental, parliamentary and departmental duties.

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

To ensure that the transport, tourism and sport sectors make the greatest possible contribution to economic recovery, fiscal consolidation, job creation and social development.

Environmental Information Service (Enfo)

National site for environmental information, sustainable living, growing your own and much more.

The AskAboutIreland website is managed by LGMA Libraries Development, supported by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government with funding from the Information Society Fund.

EU Health Portal

Website of the European Commission’s Directorate for public health and risk assessment. Provides information on policies and decisions taken at European, national and international level to protect Europeans’ health by enabling them to make healthy choices and live healthier lives. For health experts, the site also links to databases of public health statistics.

Growing up in Ireland

Website with information on a national study following the progress of almost 20,000 children across Ireland to collect a host of information to help improve our understanding of all aspects of children and their development. The study has been commissioned by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in association with the Department of Social Protection and the Central Statistics Office.

Health Information and Quality Authority

The Health Information and Quality Authority is the independent Authority established in May 2007 to drive continuous improvement in Ireland’s health and social care services. Reporting directly to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, our role is to promote quality and safety in the provision of health and personal social services for the benefit of the health and welfare of the public.

Health Research Board

The Health Research Board is the lead agency in Ireland supporting and funding health research.


This website of the HSE National Immunisation Office provides information on immunisation for the general public and Healthcare Professionals.

Irish Family Planning Association – IFPA

The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) is a sexual health charity that promotes the right of all people to sexual and reproductive health information and dedicated, confidential and affordable healthcare services.

Irish Foster Care Association

The Irish Foster Care Association (IFCA) offers its members support and information and keeps them up to date with regard to changes in practice in relation to foster care. We liaise with the Dept. of Children & Youth Affairs and the Child and Family Agency on all matters in relation to the best service for children in care. We also provide information to Families with Children in Care.

Irish Heart Foundation

The Irish Heart Foundation is the national charity fighting heart disease and stroke.

Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) was set up on 1 November 2014 as an independent public body. Our purpose is to protect and promote human rights and equality in Ireland and build a culture of respect for human rights, equality and intercultural understanding across Irish society.

Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute

Find your nearest dietician here

Founded in 1958, the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) is the professional organisation for dietitians in Ireland, representing over 645 members who work in many areas of healthcare. Find out more in this section about who we are, what we and our members do and about our Vision, Mission and Values.

Leitrim County Library Service

Click here for location of libraries in Leitrim

Leitrim County Library Service has five full-time branches and four part-time branches across County Leitrim, with Library Headquarters located in Ballinamore.

HSE Mental Health Services

Website that links to information on a varity of different supports for all age groups in all counties.

Mental Health Foundation

UK website with some excellent publications that can be downloaded free of charge. Booklets on ADHD, eating disorders, schizophrenia, self-harm and anxiety offer good information and advice to parents and young people.

Mental Health Ireland

Find your nearest branch here

Mental Health Ireland is a national voluntary organisation which was established in 1966 as the Mental Health Association of Ireland. MHI’s aim is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing to all individuals and communities in Ireland. We have a network of 92 Mental Health Associations throughout the country, all led by volunteers.

Migraine Association of Ireland

The Migraine Association of Ireland (MAI) is a registered charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for the 12-15% of our population who suffer from migraine. The Association provides information, support and reassurance to migraine sufferers and those with other headache disorders. Information is also on offer to the families and friends of migraineurs and to medical professionals.

National Council for Special Education

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) was set up to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities with particular emphasis on children. Our local service is delivered through our national network of Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) who interact with parents and schools and liaise with the HSE in providing resources to support children with special educational needs.

Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner

The Mission Statement of the Office of the Refugee Applications Commissioner in accordance with the Refugee Act, 1996 is: i. to investigate applications from persons seeking a declaration for refugee status and to issue appropriate recommendations to the Minister for Justice and Equality, ii. to investigate applications by refugees to allow family members to enter and reside in the State and report to the Minister for Justice and Equality on such applications, iii. to investigate applications for subsidiary protection, and issue appropriate recommendations to the Minister for Justice and Equality on such applications.

One Family

One Family is working to ensure a positive and equal future for all members of all one-parent families in Ireland – changing attitudes, services, policies and lives. Together with one-parent families and those working with them, we are committed to achieving equality and respect for all families.

Safe Food

Promoting safe and healthy eating on the island of Ireland.

safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement with a general remit to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and nutrition issues on the island of Ireland.

Sligo County Libraries

Find your nearest library here

Sligo County Library has five branches throughout the county. They are: Sligo Central Library Reference and Local Studies Library Tubbercurry Community Library Ballymote Community Library Enniscrone Branch Library

Social Welfare Local and Branch Offices / Intreo Centres

Find your nearest Social Welfare office here

List of Intreo Centres, Social Welfare Local and Branch Offices by county.

On we provide information on a range of different topics broken down into sections; education, employment, health, life and opinion.

We aim to educate and inform our readers about the importance of holistic wellbeing and how good health can be maintained, both physically and mentally.


Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

  • Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
  • Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
  • Be non-political and non-commercial

Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.