Dublin 2
SpunOut.ie is an information provision website for 16-25 year olds. We provide information on a range of different topics broken down into sections; education, employment, health, life and opinion.
SpunOut.ie is an information provision website for 16-25 year olds. We provide information on a range of different topics broken down into sections; education, employment, health, life and opinion. Young people in our age range can also have their voices heard on the website by writing opinion pieces and giving feedback.
We are a website so all of the above locations can access our information.
SpunOut.ie is a website so it can be accessed from all of the above locations.
- Free
- People can self-refer / access the service directly (without the need for a referral)
We target 16-25 year olds and the information is age-appropriate.
- Post-primary school age (13-18 years approx.)
- Young adults (18-24 years)
16-25 year olds