Search for a GP (using HSE website):
Information provided below is from the website of the HSE.
You can find information on GPs in Sligo and Leitrim through the HSE’s search facility by clicking on the following link:
Use HSE search facility to find your nearest GP (covers all of Republic of Ireland)
Search for a GP (using Irish College of General Practitioners website):
The information provided below is from the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) Find a GP Service:
The ICGP Find a GP service is intended for use by the general public to locate a GP. It only contains the names of GPs who have agreed to have their details listed for this purpose in this format. This list is not validated and only contains GPs who are members of the ICGP and who have opted to be included in such a listing.
You can find information on GPs in Sligo and Leitrim through the ICGP’s search facility by clicking on the following links:
Services must:
Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.
Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.