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Sexual violence / sexual abuse

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Tusla – Child and Family Agency, Social Work Department

Markievicz House, Barrack Street,,
071 9155133

Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan

Bridgewater House, Rockwood Parade, Abbeyquarter South, Sligo,
1800 750 780 or 071 9171188

Medical Practice/Primary Care Centre, Screen, Co. Sligo

Skreen Family Practice, Skreen,,
Co. Sligo
071 9166619
Found 7 listings

Tusla – Child and Family Agency

Shiel House, College St., Ballyshannon,,
Co. Donegal
Summary: Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, provides a range of universal and targeted services for children, young people and families, including:Child protection and welfare servicesEducational Welfare ServicesPsychological ServicesAlternative careFamily and Locally-based Community SupportsEarly Years ServicesDomestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence ServicesUnder the Child and Family Act, 2013 the Child and [...]

Ballymote Family Resource Centre

Keash Road, Ballymote,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Services are both universal and targeted. Parenting programmesHomework ClubAfter School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth ClubOne-to-One supports to parentsMeithealCounsellingRestorative PracticeFamily AccessBack to Education programmes for unemployedLifeskills programme for rural isolated peopleSenior Alert SystemAdvocacyHolistic Therapy programmeAddiction/recovery programmeChildminding in the FRC whilst parents attend courses & programmesChildcare serviceCitizens Information ServiceCommunity Allotment Scheme/community [...]
Niamh Flaherty (Co-ordinator) 071 9197818

Tusla – Child and Family Agency, Social Work Department

Markievicz House, Barrack Street,,
Summary: Tusla - Child and Family Agency Social Work department caters for families and children where allegations of abuse and neglect have been made. The main task is to safeguard and protect children believed to be at risk of abuse and neglect. The service targets families and children only in [...]
071 9155133

Counselling Service IT Sligo

Student Counselling Service, Ash Lane,,
Summary:  I.T. Sligo Student Counselling Service aims to provide a professional, confidential support service that is free of charge to all registered I.T. Sligo students.The service offers students the opportunity to explore any issue which may be impacting on their mental health and general well-being in a confidential setting.  The Counselling [...]
071 9305463

Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan

Bridgewater House, Rockwood Parade, Abbeyquarter South, Sligo,
Summary: The response of the Centre to the issues of sexual violence is to provide the following services universally: Crisis counselling Ongoing face to face counselling Outreach counselling Free phone helpline Support, advocacy and information for survivors, in particular around legal issues Relationship counselling Survivors Support Group Counselling, support and information for supporters of survivors Hospital, court, GP, [...]
1800 750 780 or 071 9171188

Medical Practice/Primary Care Centre, Screen, Co. Sligo

Skreen Family Practice, Skreen,,
Co. Sligo
Summary: We cater for all primary care needs. In particular we have a special interest in: -Women's health -Mental health -Student health -Mirena coil/Jaydess and copper coil insertion -Insertion of the copper coil for emergency contraception -Implanon insertion -STI screening -Travel vaccinations -Minor Surgery -Palliative care -Medical Education
071 9166619

Domestic Violence Advocacy Service

Summary: Domestic Violence Advocacy Service, Sligo, Leitrim and West Cavan [DVAS], are a non-governmental organisation that provide services to women experiencing domestic violence. The core purpose of our service is to maximise safety for women and their children. DVAS have a helpline and also provide support, information and advocacy through [...]
071 9141515

Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

  • Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
  • Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
  • Be non-political and non-commercial

Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.