Co Sligo
Services are both universal and targeted. Parenting programmes, Homework Club - After School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth Club, One-to-One supports to parents.
Services are both universal and targeted.
- Parenting programmes
- Homework Club
- After School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth Club
- One-to-One supports to parents
- Meitheal
- Counselling
- Restorative Practice
- Family Access
- Back to Education programmes for unemployed
- Lifeskills programme for rural isolated people
- Senior Alert System
- Advocacy
- Holistic Therapy programme
- Addiction/recovery programme
- Childminding in the FRC whilst parents attend courses & programmes
- Childcare service
- Citizens Information Service
- Community Allotment Scheme/community garden scheme
- Computer classes
- Counselling service – General Counselling – Teens Counselling
- Suicide Prevention Courses
- Disability Initiatives
- Drop-in for information
- Men’s Shed
- Long Term Unemployed Initiatives
- Money Advice and Budgeting Service
- Parent & Toddler Group
- Library and book time for toddlers & young children
- Toy Library
- Narcotics Anonymous/AA
- Youth Club Newspaper
- Library Facilities
- Sligo - south, east and west
- Service provided at above address
- Service provided in person's own home
- Charge applies for some services / some services free
All services are subsidised and any charge is minimal.
- People can self-refer / access the service directly (without the need for a referral)
- Parents / guardians can refer
- Through GP
- Through schools
- Through Tusla Child and Family Social Workers
- Through other Tusla services (e.g. Education Welfare Service)
- Through HSE services
- Through other statutory services
- Through other community / voluntary service
Ballymote Family Resource Centre provides a wide range of supports and services so referrals come in many ways depending on the need of the individual/family.
Parental/guardian permission is needed to avail of counselling/addiction service if the person is under 18 years. Summer/Easter camps and youth club are designed for young children and will need parental permission. Other services for example taster session on arts, drama, music, cookery do not require permission. Youth Cafe rules state it is preferable that parents are involved. However, it is not essential.
- Pre-birth
- Early years (0-4 years)
- Primary school age (4-12 years approx.)
- Post-primary school age (13-18 years approx.)
- Young adults (18-24 years)
- Adults (25-64 years)
- Adults (65+ years)
Yes. Family breakdown, family therapy, bereavement and loss.
Counsellors are supervised monthly.