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Found 15 listings

Sligo Springboard Family Support Service

2 Racecourse View, Cleaveragh Demesne, Cranmore, County Sligo,
Summary: Sligo Springboard Family Support Service offer Early Learning and Care, School Aged Childcare and a Family Support Service to its community.
071 914 7070

Diversity Sligo

Chapel Hill, Abbeyquarter South, Sligo,
Co Ireland
Summary: The mission of Diversity Sligo is to help and support asylum seekers and refugees in their inclusion into Irish society. Diversity Sligo delivers information, advice and advocacy to asylum seekers and refugees through weekly clinics in the accommodation centre.  We organise activities for men, women and children such as [...]

West Sligo Family Resource Centre (FRC)

Pier Road, Enniscrone, Co Sligo,
Co. Sligo
Summary: Family Resource Centres (FRCs) provides a range of universal and targeted services and development opportunities that address the needs of families.West Sligo Family Resource Centre Ltd. aims to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of life by fostering an ethos of self-development, promoting the principles of community [...]

Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre

Mountain Road, Tubbercurry,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre provides a range of supports and services for families, individuals and communities.Services include the following:Programmes for parents, children and people who are unemployed .Social activities and health and well-being supports. Full childcare service for children  1 to 12 years of age.Person-centred counselling for teens and adults [...]
071 918 6926

Learning Disability and Autism Service, Sligo/Leitrim

Markievicz House, Barrack Street,,
Summary: This is a service for people with learning disability and autism in Sligo and Leitrim.   A Community Nurse supports an adult with a learning disability to live as independently as possible in their own home and community. The Community Nurse ensures the person has access to appropriate services by [...]

Bee Park Community Centre

New Line, Manorhamilton,
Summary: We are a Community Centre with a number of key tenant organisations, providing services to their target groups.  These include:   North Leitrim Men's Group,                                                   [...]

Mohill Family Support Centre

Canon Donohoe Hall, Mohill,
Summary: Mohill Family Support Centre provides support services for the local community and facilitates activities, classes and groups in the hall. We serve the people of Mohill and the surrounding areas, and also offer an outreach service to Ballinamore and Carrigallen.We are based in the Canon Donohoe Hall, on Main [...]
071 9631253

Family Resource Centre Boyle

Co Roscommon
Summary: Family Support Groups • New Mums Group                                                       • Childsplay for All                       [...]
071 9663000

Ballymote Family Resource Centre

Keash Road, Ballymote,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Services are both universal and targeted. Parenting programmesHomework ClubAfter School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth ClubOne-to-One supports to parentsMeithealCounsellingRestorative PracticeFamily AccessBack to Education programmes for unemployedLifeskills programme for rural isolated peopleSenior Alert SystemAdvocacyHolistic Therapy programmeAddiction/recovery programmeChildminding in the FRC whilst parents attend courses & programmesChildcare serviceCitizens Information ServiceCommunity Allotment Scheme/community [...]
Niamh Flaherty (Co-ordinator) 071 9197818

Sligo Traveller Support Group Ltd

1A, St. Annes, Cranmore Road,,
Summary: Sligo Traveller Support Group Ltd offer a range of supports as it is a community development organisation. The main focus of the work is improving traveller health.Our main aim is to establish a voice for the local Traveller community in Sligo – to address issues of importance such as accommodation, [...]
071 9145780

Counselling Service IT Sligo

Student Counselling Service, Ash Lane,,
Summary:  I.T. Sligo Student Counselling Service aims to provide a professional, confidential support service that is free of charge to all registered I.T. Sligo students.The service offers students the opportunity to explore any issue which may be impacting on their mental health and general well-being in a confidential setting.  The Counselling [...]
071 9305463

Leitrim County Childcare Committee

Laird House, Church Street, Drumshanbo,,
County Leitrim
Summary: Our aim is to enhance quality early childhood education and care and After Schools provision through direct work with Early Years and After School Service Providers in County Leitrim.Quality Support and Intervention Programme.Thematic Workshops / Programmes under Early Years National Curriculum Frameworks – Siolta & AistearEarly Years Children First [...]
071 964 0867

Sligo Family Resource Centre (Sligo FRC)

49 The Mall,,
Summary: SUPPORTS TO PARENTS & FAMILIES Family Support Service                                                                                       [...]

North West Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force

Sligo Development Centre, Cleveragh Road,,
Summary: Task Forces were set up under the National Drug Strategy 2001-2008 to provide a response to illicit drug use and underage drinking problems. Task Forces have representatives from government agencies, local authorities, community and voluntary groups. The Task Force’s primary role is to co-ordinate responses to local needs. NWRDATF [...]
071 9151520

Art Education

The Model, The Mall, Sligo
Summary: The Model, home of The Niland Collection, is one of Ireland’s leading contemporary arts centres.  We welcome all people to The Model, regardless of age or ability. The Model is home of the Niland Collection and we offer daily tours of the collection, as well as tours of the [...]
071 9141405

Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

  • Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
  • Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
  • Be non-political and non-commercial

Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.