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Childcare (including school-age childcare)

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  5. Childcare (including school-age childcare)

Sligo County Childcare Committee

Unit 5 Neighbourhood Centre, Rusheen Árd, Caltragh, Sligo, F91 YY04
071 9148860
Found 16 listings

Sligo Springboard Family Support Service

2 Racecourse View, Cleaveragh Demesne, Cranmore, County Sligo,
Summary: Sligo Springboard Family Support Service offer Early Learning and Care, School Aged Childcare and a Family Support Service to its community.
071 914 7070

Tusla – Child and Family Agency

Shiel House, College St., Ballyshannon,,
Co. Donegal
Summary: Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, provides a range of universal and targeted services for children, young people and families, including:Child protection and welfare servicesEducational Welfare ServicesPsychological ServicesAlternative careFamily and Locally-based Community SupportsEarly Years ServicesDomestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence ServicesUnder the Child and Family Act, 2013 the Child and [...]

Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre

Mountain Road, Tubbercurry,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre provides a range of supports and services for families, individuals and communities.Services include the following:Programmes for parents, children and people who are unemployed .Social activities and health and well-being supports. Full childcare service for children  1 to 12 years of age.Person-centred counselling for teens and adults [...]
071 918 6926

Bee Park Community Centre

New Line, Manorhamilton,
Summary: We are a Community Centre with a number of key tenant organisations, providing services to their target groups.  These include:   North Leitrim Men's Group,                                                   [...]

HSE, Speech & Language Therapy

Markievicz House,,
Summary: Speech & Language Therapy SLT provides a service to all clients referred with a speech, language, communication and /or swallowing problem. We work across Primary Care, Disability, CAMHS and adult services. The SLT works as a member of a team in assessing, diagnosing and managing the client's presenting problem. [...]

HSE, Public Health Nursing

Markievicz House, Barrack Street,,
Summary: A Public Health and Community Nursing service provides a range of personal health and social care services to the community. Beginning at birth, the service provided to mothers and families of new babies includes information, advice on feeding, child development and immunisation in particular.A school based immunisation programme, and a screening [...]
071 9155144

Ballymote Family Resource Centre

Keash Road, Ballymote,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Services are both universal and targeted. Parenting programmesHomework ClubAfter School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth ClubOne-to-One supports to parentsMeithealCounsellingRestorative PracticeFamily AccessBack to Education programmes for unemployedLifeskills programme for rural isolated peopleSenior Alert SystemAdvocacyHolistic Therapy programmeAddiction/recovery programmeChildminding in the FRC whilst parents attend courses & programmesChildcare serviceCitizens Information ServiceCommunity Allotment Scheme/community [...]
Niamh Flaherty (Co-ordinator) 071 9197818

Leitrim Sports Partnership

Aras an Chontae,
Summary: Leitrim Sports Partnership  LSP provides a management role for the coordination, development and delivery of sport and recreational activity in Leitrim. In our new strategic plan, we plan to build on the achievements of the last four years where we have implemented a long term approach to increasing participation [...]
071 9650498

Sligo Traveller Support Group Ltd

1A, St. Annes, Cranmore Road,,
Summary: Sligo Traveller Support Group Ltd offer a range of supports as it is a community development organisation. The main focus of the work is improving traveller health.Our main aim is to establish a voice for the local Traveller community in Sligo – to address issues of importance such as accommodation, [...]
071 9145780

Childhood Days, Drumshambo, Co. Leitrim

Laird House, Church Street, Drumshanbo,,
Co. Leitrim
Summary: Childhood Days is a service for children with disabilities which provides care, activities and outings for children with disabilities.
071 9640887

Leitrim Development Company

Church Street, Drumshanbo,,
Co. Leitrim
Summary: Leitrim Development Company is a community led Local Development Company. We deliver a range of rural, social and economic programmes at local level across County Leitrim. We support communities, individuals and businesses to increase their economic sustainability and improve their quality of life. Supports include capital grant aid, technical [...]
071 9641770

Counselling Service IT Sligo

Student Counselling Service, Ash Lane,,
Summary:  I.T. Sligo Student Counselling Service aims to provide a professional, confidential support service that is free of charge to all registered I.T. Sligo students.The service offers students the opportunity to explore any issue which may be impacting on their mental health and general well-being in a confidential setting.  The Counselling [...]
071 9305463

Lifestart Supporting Parents

Pearse Road,,
Sligo, Co. Sligo F91 K5TF
Summary: Childcare Programmes - The centre offers childcare facilities for children from 0-6 years (Sessional, full day care, pre-school and after school).  Parent & Toddler Groups facilitates two weekly groups in St. Edward's National School and in the Avalon Centre. The Toy Box Project - an initiative for Traveller families. [...]
071 9146034

Sligo County Childcare Committee

Unit 5 Neighbourhood Centre, Rusheen Árd, Caltragh, Sligo, F91 YY04
Summary: Sligo County Childcare Committee offers: Early Years Educators supports and parental supports Curriculum and quality practice supports Supporting access to quality affordable childcare Governance and operational quality supports Information and training for early years National collaborative quality supports Delivery of DCEDIY funded programmes services provided by Sligo County Childcare Committee are universal
071 9148860

Sligo Family Resource Centre (Sligo FRC)

49 The Mall,,
Summary: SUPPORTS TO PARENTS & FAMILIES Family Support Service                                                                                       [...]

Sligo Social Service Council

Charles Street,
Summary: Targeted Childcare Service for Children, Hardiker levels 2 & 3 Afterschool Service for Primary School Age Children Hardiker levels 1, 2 & 3 Targetted In home Child & Family Support Hardiker level 2 & 3 Meitheal Project Hardiker Levels 2 & 3 Counselling Service is for adults Hardiker levels [...]
071 9145682

Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

  • Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
  • Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
  • Be non-political and non-commercial

Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.