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GROW in Ireland

Abbeyquarter Community Centre, Devins Drive, Abbeyquarter South, Sligo,
(01) 840 8236

Children’s Early Intervention Service, HSE Sligo/Leitrim

Old Nazareth House, Church HIll,,
071 9113900
Found 14 listings

National Learning Network

Bridge Street,
Co Ireland
Summary: At National Learning Network we pride ourselves on the flexibility of our courses, which are all designed to meet the individual needs of each student. We set ourselves apart from other training bodies by addressing all the factors that will affect a student’s prospects of achieving a QQI qualification [...]
086 043 8055

Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre

Mountain Road, Tubbercurry,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre provides a range of supports and services for families, individuals and communities.Services include the following:Programmes for parents, children and people who are unemployed .Social activities and health and well-being supports. Full childcare service for children  1 to 12 years of age.Person-centred counselling for teens and adults [...]
071 918 6926

Learning Disability and Autism Service, Sligo/Leitrim

Markievicz House, Barrack Street,,
Summary: This is a service for people with learning disability and autism in Sligo and Leitrim.   A Community Nurse supports an adult with a learning disability to live as independently as possible in their own home and community. The Community Nurse ensures the person has access to appropriate services by [...]

The Childrens Disability Network Team

17 Mail Coach Road,
Summary: The service provides: • Practical and emotional support to families from birth to 18 years. • Information on the child’s disability.                                                           [...]
071 91321700

Bee Park Community Centre

New Line, Manorhamilton,
Summary: We are a Community Centre with a number of key tenant organisations, providing services to their target groups.  These include:   North Leitrim Men's Group,                                                   [...]

LAPWD Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities

Summary: We provide supports to people with physical and sensory disabilities to assist them live independently on their own, through targeted supports with care, transport and social activities.
071 9651000

GROW in Ireland

Abbeyquarter Community Centre, Devins Drive, Abbeyquarter South, Sligo,
Summary: GROW is a uniquely structured community mental health movement. It is anonymous, non-denominational and open to all. Groups are run by their own members with the support of an area coordinator. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown and we help people who suffer from [...]
(01) 840 8236

Ballymote Family Resource Centre

Keash Road, Ballymote,,
Co Sligo
Summary: Services are both universal and targeted. Parenting programmesHomework ClubAfter School taster sessions - art/cookery/drama/etc Youth ClubOne-to-One supports to parentsMeithealCounsellingRestorative PracticeFamily AccessBack to Education programmes for unemployedLifeskills programme for rural isolated peopleSenior Alert SystemAdvocacyHolistic Therapy programmeAddiction/recovery programmeChildminding in the FRC whilst parents attend courses & programmesChildcare serviceCitizens Information ServiceCommunity Allotment Scheme/community [...]
Niamh Flaherty (Co-ordinator) 071 9197818

Leitrim Sports Partnership

Aras an Chontae,
Summary: Leitrim Sports Partnership  LSP provides a management role for the coordination, development and delivery of sport and recreational activity in Leitrim. In our new strategic plan, we plan to build on the achievements of the last four years where we have implemented a long term approach to increasing participation [...]
071 9650498

Childhood Days, Drumshambo, Co. Leitrim

Laird House, Church Street, Drumshanbo,,
Co. Leitrim
Summary: Childhood Days is a service for children with disabilities which provides care, activities and outings for children with disabilities.
071 9640887

Children’s Early Intervention Service, HSE Sligo/Leitrim

Old Nazareth House, Church HIll,,
Summary: The Sligo, Leitrim Early Intervention Team for Children, delivers an interdisciplinary service to children with complex developmental needs in the 0-6 year age group. The Team aims to work in partnership with families/guardians on their journey through assessment, diagnosis and intervention, to enable each child to reach their potential.
071 9113900

Sligo Family Resource Centre (Sligo FRC)

49 The Mall,,
Summary: SUPPORTS TO PARENTS & FAMILIES Family Support Service                                                                                       [...]

Employment Response North West

1 Custom House Quay,
Summary: We work with People with any type of disability, long term injury or illness who are interested in finding employment.  We support People with disabilities, illness or injury to find and maintain jobs. Our focus is on People’s abilities, skills and interests, combined with their motivation to find Employment. Individuals are [...]
071 9153222 or 087 1126284


Summary: ThisAbility is a group set up by parents to cater for persons with disabilities, their parents, siblings and other family members. This group is open to all, regardless of disability or age of the person and their family members.   Some activities include:    Swimming, Horse Riding, Summer camps, Christmas Party's,  [...]

Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

  • Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
  • Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
  • Be non-political and non-commercial

Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.